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ThinkEdge and ThinkSystem edge server rail options

A variety of rail kits and cable management arm (CMA) are available for use with ThinkEdge and ThinkSystem edge servers.

To learn what rail kits and CMA are compatible with a server, please refer to:

Rail optionSupported models
ThinkSystem E2 Enclosure Short Rail Kit SE350
ThinkSystem Enclosure Universal Short Rack Rail Kit SE350
SE350 V2
ThinkSystem Friction 2-Post Screw-in Rail Kit SE350
SE350 V2
ThinkSystem Toolless Friction Rail Kit SE350
ThinkSystem Toolless Slide Rail Kit without 1U CMA SE350
SE350 V2
ThinkSystem SE350 Edge Server - Vertical Mount Rail Kit RailSE350
ThinkEdge SE450 Wall Mount SE450
ThinkEdge SE450 Floor Stand Kit Installation Guide SE450
ThinkEdge 1000mm Friction Rail Kit SE360 V2
ThinkEdge SE450 550mm Ball Bearing Rail Kit SE450
ThinkEdge 600mm Ball Bearing Rail Kit SE360 V2
SE455 V3
ThinkEdge 2-Post Friction Rail Kit SE360 V2
SE455 V3
ThinkEdge 1000mm Friction Rail Kit v2 SE360 V2
SE455 V3
Cable Management Arm SE350
SE350 V2